Translating the RUP Tools

The tools in the Rational Unified Process development kit, can all be tailored to any language. You can tailor the text in the tool windows, and in the error messages that the tools may display. 

You can supply your own strings by creating a text file and supply that to the tools. The text file should follow the format described below.  

Supply the text file as a parameter when you run the tools. For examples, see SearchEngineHelper, SearchEngine, KeyWordIndex, and SiteMap. The same text file should be used for all tools.  

Notice that the language for the search applet and the treebrowser applet is defined where the applets are declared. 

Text File Example

The example below contains parameters and the default text value. Each row consists of two parts, first the name of an item, and then the value. The value is the string that the tool will use in windows and error messages. In the example below the values are shown for English. These default values are used if you do not supply a file to the tools. The order of the rows are not of any importance. The values will be part of the tools' error messages and windows. 

Parameter Text value (below are the default text values)
PARSE_DIRECTORY Parses directory
DIRECTORY_NOT_PARSED Does not parse directory
NO_DIRECTORY is not a directory!
BAD_OUTPUT_STREAM Bad output stream!
BAD_PARSER Bad parser object!
INPUT_PARAMETER_NULL Input parameter is null!
MISSING_URL Missing url
MISSING_LABEL Missing label
MISSING_NODE Missing node
TITLE_ANCHOR_MISSING Title and/or anchor text is missing!
MISSING_RESPONSE_FILE Error: Missing -r response file
INVALID_PARAMETER_NAME No valid parameter named
PARAMETER_MISSING Parameter missing:
PARAMETER_MISSING_VALUE Value missing for parameter
PARAMETER_NOT_NUMBER have to be a number, the value is not a number
FONT_AND_STYLE_MISSING Both of the following parameters are missing
OPEN_FILE_FAILED Error opening file
FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST Error: Couldn't find file:
MISSING_F_FILE Error: Missing -f filename
WRITE_FILE Writes file:
WRITE_ERROR Error writing file:
WRITE_EXCEPTION Exception writing to file
NOT_ENOUGH_INPUT Not enough input, operation canceled!
INCORRECT_HEADERFILE Header file probably incorrect!
INCORRECT_FOOTERFILE Footer file probably incorrect!
KEYWORD_SYNTAX_ERROR is not a valid RUP key word! Have to begin with
KEYWORD_FILE_SYNTAX_ERROR containing keywords contains syntax errors!
RELATED_KEYWORD_NOT_FOUND referred by the following keyword does not exist
TAKE_A_WHILE It may take a while ...
NO_OF_FILES_CHECKED files checked in
WORDS words
DOCUMENTS_CONATINING documents, containing
BYTES_STORED bytes, stored in
WEB_DATABASE Web database of
BYTES bytes
BYTES_AND bytes, and
FATAL_ERROR Fatal Error:
CANONICAL_FILE_PATH_FAILED Error: couldn't create canonical filepath for
DOCUMENT_DEPENDENCY_LIST Document dependency list for
DATA_DEPENDENCY_LIST Data dependency list for
EXTERNAL_LINK_LIST External links list for
MISSING_LINK_LIST Missing links list for
NOTHING_TO_DO Error: nothing to do: -nb -nh -nl -nt
INTERMEDIATE_DATA_FILE Intermediate data: file://
TOO_MANY_FILES Error: Too many files for the search applet database
EXCEPTION Exception:

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